Кафедра Органической химии и технологии органических веществ

Преподаватели кафедры

Фокин А. А.
Рассукана Ю. В.
Василькевич А. И.
Климко Ю. Е.
Кушко А. О.
Бутова Е. Д.
Писаненко Д. А.
Родионов В. Н.
Барабаш А. В.
Гайдай А. В.
Жук Т. С.
Левандовский И. А.
Черныш Л. В.
Шамота Т. В.

Бутова Екатерина Дмитриевна

доцент; Секретарь ГЭК; к.х.н.

Бутова Е. Д.
Читает курсы:
"Прикладна хімія" "Органічна хімія"
Сфера научных интересов:
Хімія каркасних сполук, функціоналізація алканів, хімія ілідів, координаційна хімія заліза, кобальту та нікелю. Хімія пестицидів.
Список публикаций:

Книги та розділи в книгах


  1. Krasutsky, P. A.; Fokin, A. A.; Butova, E. D.; Yurchenko, A. G. Cyclic terpenes in the strain forward stereoselective pyrethroides synthesis; in: Pyrethroids, chemical and technological aspects, Moscow, Khimiya, 1992, 356 pp.


Статті в наукових журналах

1.      Krasutsky, P. A.; Fokin, A. A.; Skoba, E. D.; Yurchenko, A. G. the synthesis and protic cyclization of 3-vinylidenobicyclo[3.3.1]nonane-7-one. Zhurnal Organ. Khimii 1986, 22, 460–461.

  1. Krasutsky, P. A.; Fokin, A. A.; Butova, E. D.; Yurchenko, A. G. Stereoselective synthesis of (–)-pirocine and 1R-E-chrysanthemic acid from 2-pinene. Vest. Kiev. Polytech. Inst. 1991, 28, 40–44.
  2. Fokin, A. A.; Butova, E. D.; Gulevitch, A. V.; Yurchenko, A. G.; Krasutsky, P. A.  Novel oxidative transformations in norpinonic acid synthesis. Zhurnal Org. Khimii 1993, 29, 1075–1076.
  3. Fokin, A. A.; Butova, E. D.; Kolomitsin, I. V.; Gagaeva, E. A.; Kornilov, A. M.; Sorochinsky A. E. Functional derivatives of 2-carene in cyclopropane-containing pyrethroides synthesis. Zhurnal Org. Khimii 1994, 30, 669–679.
  4. Fokin, A. A.; Gunchenko, P. A.; Tkachenko, B. A.; Butova, E. D.; Yurchenko, A. G.  Backside activation of s-bonds with Cr(VI)-reagents.  Tetrahedron Lett. 1997, 38, 639–642.
  5. Schreiner, P. R.; Lauenstein, O.; Butova, E. D.; Fokin, A. A. The first efficient iodination of unactivated, aliphatic hydrocarbons. Angew. Chem. 1999, 111 2956–2958. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 1999, 38, 2786–2788. This work is featured: cover picture of the Angewandte Chemie, 1999, issue 18. Chemical and Engineering News 1999 September, 20, 44. Sueddeutsche Zeitung 1999 55, October, 12, p. V2/12.
  6. Schreiner, P. R.; Lauenstein, O.; Butova, E. D.; Gunchenko, P. V.; Kolomitsin, I. V.; Wittkopp, A.; Feder, G.; Fokin, A. A. Selective radical reactions in multiphase systems: Phase-transfer halogenations of alkanes. Chem. Eur. J. 2001, 7, 23, 4996–5003.
  7. Shubina, T. E.; Gunchenko. P. A.; Yurchenko, A. G.; Schreiner, P. R.; Butova, E. D.; Fokin, A. A. Structure and transformations of 1-alkyladamantane radical cations.  Teoret. i Experim. Khimiya 2002, 38, 1, 8–13.

9.      Fokin, A. A.; Butova, E. D.; Chernish, L. V.; Fokina, N. A.; Dahl, J. E. P.; Carlson, R. M. K.; Schreiner, P. R.  Simple preparation of diamondoid 1,3-dienes via oxetane ring opening. Org. Lett. 2007, 9, 2541–2544.0

10.  Butova, E. D.; Fokin, A. A.; Schreiner, P. R. Beyond the Corey reaction: One-Step diolefination of cyclic ketones. J. Org. Chem. 2007, 72, 5689–5696.

  1. Р.И.Юрченко, Ю.Е.Климко, А.А.Есипенко, Е.Д.Бутова, А.Г.Юрченко.Журнал общей химии 2009, т.79.Вып.8, с.1274-1276.ДИ(АДАМАНТАН-1-ИЛ)- И ДИ(АДАМАНТАН-2-ИЛ)- ТИОФОСФОРНЫЕ   КИСЛОТЫ  И   ИХ ТРИЭТИЛАММОНИЕВЫЕ СОЛИ  В РЕАКЦИЯХ АЛКИЛИРОВАНИЯ.                                                                  

12.  Lysenko, A. B.; Senchyk, G. A.; Lincke, J.; Lässig, D.; Fokin, A. A.; Butova, E. D.; Schreiner, P. R.; Krautscheid, H.; Domasevitch, K. V. Metal oxide-organic frameworks (MOOFs), a new series of coordination hybrids constructed from molybdenum(VI) oxide and bitopic 1,2,4-triazole linkers. Dalton Trans., 2010, 39, 4223–4231.

13.  Butova, E. D.; Barabash, A. V.; Petrova, A. A.; Kleiner, C. M.; Schreiner, P. R.; Fokin. A. A. Stereospecific consecutive epoxide ring expansion with dimethylsulfoxonium methylide, J. Org. Chem. 2010, 75, 18, 6229–6235.


     Наукові конференції


  1. Krasutsky, P. A.; Fokin, A. A.; Skoba, E. D.; Yurchenko, A. G.  Allenes and cumulenes of bicyclo[3.3.1]nonane series in the synthesis of unsaturated adamantane derivatives. Abstracts of papers of the All-Union Conference on the Chemistry of Cage compounds.  Kiev, 1986, p. 82.
  2. Fokin, A. A.; Butova, E. D.; Kolomitsin, I. V.; Baula, O. P.; Yurchenko, A. G.; Krasutsky, P.A. 2-Carene derivatives in the reaction with dichlorocarbene. Abstracts of papers of the V All-Union Conference on the Chemistry of Carbenes.  Moscow, 1992, p.45.
  3. Fokin, A. A.; Butova, E. D.; Shulzhenko, E. A.; Kolomitsin, I. V.; Gulevich, A. V.; Krasutsky, P. A.; Yurchenko, A. G.  The key synthones in the synthesis of pyrethroides from 3-carene and 2-pinene. Abstracts of papers of the XVII Ukrainian Conference on the Organic Chemistry.  Kharkov, 1995, p.175.


17.  Gunchenko, P. A.; Tkachenko, B. A.; Butova, E. D.;  Fokin, A. A.  sc-c Bond activation with oxochromyl reagents. Abstracts of papers of VIII-th International Conference on Alkane Activation and Cage Compounds Chemistry, “Cage’98” Kiev, 1998, Abstract A-1

18.  Fokin A. A.; Butova E. D.; Gunchenko P. A.; Tkachenko B. A.; Lauenstein, O.; Schreiner P. Direct iodination of cage compounds under phase-transfer conditions. Abstracts of papers of IХ Conference. "Chemistry and Technology of Cage Compounds", Volgograd, 2001, Abstracts, p. 21.

19.  Fokin A. A.; Butova E. D.; Gunchenko P. A.; Tkachenko B. A.; Lauenstein, O.; Schreinet P. Direct iodination of cage compounds under phase-transfer conditions. Abstracts of papers of the XIX Ukrainian Conference on the Organic Chemistry, L’vov, 2001, p. 191.

20.  Fokin, A. A.; Butova, E. D.; Lauenstein, O.; Schreiner, P. R. Reaction mechanism of C–H halogenation under phase-transfer conditions. Abstracts of papers of the XIX Ukrainian Conference on the Organic Chemistry, L’vov, 2001, p. 195


21.  Butova, E. D.; Schreiner, P. R.; Fokin, A. A. Key intermediates in the Yurchenko reaction. Abstracts of papers XXI All-Ukrainian Conference on Organic Chemistry, Chernigov, – October 1–5, 2007, p. 117.

22.  Fokin, A. A.; Butova, E. D.; Chernish, L. V.; Fokina, N. A.; Schreiner, P. R. New method for preparation of 1,3-dienes through acid-catalyzed dehydration oxetanes.  Abstracts of papers XXI All-Ukrainian Conference on Organic Chemistry, Chernigov, – October 1–5, 2007, p. 348.

23.  Barabash, A. V.; Petrova, A. A.; Butova, E. D.; Kleiner, C.; Schreiner, P. R.; Fokin, A. A. Methylenation of oxetanes – a new method for preparation of 2-substituted oxolanes. Abstracts of papers XXII All-Ukrainian Conference on Organic Chemistry, Uzhgorod, – September 20–25, 2010, p. 78.

24.  Barabash, A.V., Huu, N.N., Diduh, N., Butova, E.D., Fokin, A.A. Preparative Synthesis of Vinyl Diamondoids. CCT2011, 2426th November, 2011, L’viv – p. 96

25.  Barabash, A.V., Biletskiy, B., Maksimyuk, Yu., Butova, K.D., Fokin, A.A. Steric Bulkiness of Diamondoidyl Substituents. CCT-2011, 2426th November, 2011, L’viv – p. 98



1.      Fokin, A. A.; Butova, E.D.; Gulevich O.V.; Krasutsky, P. A.; Yurchenko, A.G.  The method for obtaining of 1R-cis-2,2-dimethylcyclobutanecarboxylic acid. Ukrainian patent No94061563, dated 06.05.1993.


2.      Peter R. Schreiner, Andrey A. Fokin, Ekaterina D. Butova, Oliver Lauenshtein. Alkaliiodierung. German Patent 19844865, 2000